Saturday, January 18, 2014

Photoshoot! (Tacoish)

Hey Avi's. Welcome back to the blog! Today I logged on Imvu at around 9am. I invited hannahcoolgirl7, and Tacoish to the agency. I gave the link to the blog to hannahcoolgirl7 and dicussed runway details with Tacoish. Afterwards, Tacoish asked for a photoshoot. I said yes, and then 5 minutes later; my dad comes and told me I have 20 minutes on the computer and I can get back on in the afternoon. Also, Tacoish said Sophies Models Agency was giving her lagg. I then got an invite from PrettiiBree. I went to her house and she talked about her music video song choice, carlieduncan making it in the music video as a twerker (technincally theybehating123 made it in the video, carlieduncan's other avi), and she talked about shanae501 trying to pick a fight with her. At some point in the conversation, Tacoish showed up. I had limited time, and was about to change my mind about the photoshoot, and then I found 2 spots to take her pics, so I quickly got it done. Even though it was a little hastle, we got it done. Good job.

P Tacoish imvu!!.jpg


P.S If you want to look at it in a larger form, go to my ablum. Step 1. Go to my profile. Step 2. Click on the albums. Step 3. Click on Sophies Models Album. Step 4. Find the photo you would like to view. Thanks!

                                                                 Yours Truly,

Friday, January 17, 2014

Another Photoshoot! (Madisonnicole15)

Hey everyone. Today was supposed to be fashion show rehearsals but Madisonnicole15 was the only one who showed up. However, carlie duncan did stop by but she was on her phone because she wasn't allowed on during the time I was on. Anyways, Madison showed me her dress that she is wearing to the runway show, and she did her walk. Later on, she asked if I could give her a photoshoot. I was kind of tired, but I said yes. Her computer was slow, I couldn't find the best chat rooms to take photos, ect.. ect.. However, these are the shots I got of her:

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Photoshoot! (hannahcoolgirl7)

Hello Avis. Welcome back to my blog. Today, I logged on the computer once again at an earlier time than I was supposed to, hehe. Anyways, I went on Imvu and bought a bunch of clothes! I was really excited, so I invited hannahcoolgirl7 over to the agency to show her all of it. Thank you hannah, for your patients; haha. She then asked me if I could give her a photoshoot. I said yes. We went to another chatroom, but it was overcrowded. After we decided that we would just do the photoshoot at the Sophies Models Agency, my computer started to slow down. I eventually was able to get her pictures taken but it was a hastle. Again hannah, thank you for your patients. She changed her clothes when asked, she wasn't distracted, and she was perfect; like always. Here are her shots:

She did amazing!!!

                                                                       Yours Truly,


Hello! I Just need to remind you that the fashion show is on Saturday 6pm Pacific time. We need to rehearse it/do a walk through. I need my 4 models that are walking all at the agency at the same time: Tacoish, misspink3bear, carlieduncan, and Madisonnicole15. I am aware this is short notice, so; I want you at the agency at 8pm pacific time tonight, or 7pm tomorrow. Meaning, if one of you can't make it tonight, we will resume tomorrow due to the short notice. However, you have to make sure to come to the agency atleast once before the fashion show to make sure your prepared (: comment down below, or message me telling me you read the post. Thanks. P.S I am also going to message you as well. 

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Another Photoshoot For XxSexyBadBiatchxX!

Today, I got on Imvu in the morning; even though I am not supposed to get on til 7pm, haha. Anyways, I invited XxSexyBadBiatchxX (mimi) into work today. I wanted to show her the photoshoot shots from yesterday. I gave her the blog. She loved them! Afterwards, she excitedly showed me her new clothes! I really thought they were cute, and she really wanted another photoshoot to incorporate these beautiful pieces. I did 2 shots of her. For the first shot, I used *hiresnobg for the first time! (thanks for telling me about it Tacoish) Here is the outcome:


*hiressnap on this one.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Madisonnicole15 Photoshoot!

Today around 7:15 pm (pacific time), I saw madisonnicole15 online (my recently hired model). I knew that I had to do a photoshoot of her, and if I did it; that would mean I would have done 2 photoshoots in 1 day! So, I went to the chatroom, invited her there, and she agreed to do the photoshoot. We did the first one at Sophies Models Agency and after that I wanted to go to a different place. It took me awhile to find the right place, but she was very patient. I chose MoodZ Modeling Agency. My experience with Madison was great. She listened to instructions, and changed her clothes when I asked. I am very glad I hired her. These are her photos:

XxSexyBadBiatchxX Photoshoot!

Ok, so today around 4:30-5:00 PM I got on Imvu quickly, even though I am not supposed to go on til 7 PM. However, I found an opening and went for it, haha. I saw that xXSexyBadBiatchxX was on, and I haven't seen her on in awhile. I thought I could swoop in and do a quick photoshoot. She did an amazing job, did exactly what I told her, and was not distracted by anyone or anything. Very pleased. Here are her photos:

We ventured out to Victoria Secrets Modeling: