Thursday, January 9, 2014

Is He Who I Think He Is?

You ask yourself, how many times am I going to write a blog post in one day. I say, give me a break; it is my first day; I got to get things out! Haha. I promise though, this will be the last post. I spotted Shanae501 in her profile pic with a faceless guy on a bed with her. Today, I did a photoshoot of Shanae501 and ayo1999. Shanae seemed to show interest in ayo1999 who also doubles as kazzem1999. While I was away from the chatroom, there is a possible chance that the two of my models hit it off. Here is the pic:

This is kazzem in todays couples photo (and no, misspink3bear and him are not dating; don't worry)

As you can see, kazzem is wearing the same shorts as the mystery guy in shanae501's mystery guy. As well as the same hat, shoes and possibly the same shirt. Now, remember guys; they were both online at the same time at the same agency. Either the mystery guy is not the same guy as kazzem1999 but just happens to be wearing the exact same clothes on the exact same day, they could just be friends laying on a bed together, or both my models could be dating each other (even though shanae forgot to change her relationship status). Now, if they are dating each other; this could be great or this can just cause much drama. You tell me what you think. Thanks again. Have a wonderful day.

                                                          Yours Truly,

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