Thursday, January 16, 2014

Photoshoot! (hannahcoolgirl7)

Hello Avis. Welcome back to my blog. Today, I logged on the computer once again at an earlier time than I was supposed to, hehe. Anyways, I went on Imvu and bought a bunch of clothes! I was really excited, so I invited hannahcoolgirl7 over to the agency to show her all of it. Thank you hannah, for your patients; haha. She then asked me if I could give her a photoshoot. I said yes. We went to another chatroom, but it was overcrowded. After we decided that we would just do the photoshoot at the Sophies Models Agency, my computer started to slow down. I eventually was able to get her pictures taken but it was a hastle. Again hannah, thank you for your patients. She changed her clothes when asked, she wasn't distracted, and she was perfect; like always. Here are her shots:

She did amazing!!!

                                                                       Yours Truly,

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