Friday, January 10, 2014


Hello avi's! Welcome back to the blog. Today, I met up with a wonderful avitar named, beautyslie.

She really wanted a job. I met with her in her room. I asked her various questions. Her mild behavior and responses were perfect for what I needed for. This girl is different from all the others, because she is not a model. I have 10 models and it gets very overwhelming. They are all wanting something from me, and their personalities clash. I needed someone to calm the storm. beautyslie was perfect for it! She is my co-manager, my right had man.. or woman.. haha. She will help me judge, coordinate, organize, advertise (the blog), and much more. She is really nice, and I think her help will really make everything easier.

I wonder how the whole modeling team will react to somewhat of a second boss. Shanae501 and her clash big time. I am hoping they will make up and lose the drama.

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