Saturday, January 11, 2014

New Addition To The Team And A Goodbye To One of Our Members

Hello Everyone! Shenae501 disrespects me everyday, and today; it got way out of hand. I had to let her go. She ruined her chances with me, and with a music video audition. It is a shame that it had to happen this way but it did. However, the girl who is making the music video got hired by me. She is my new photgrapher/assistant! Her name is PrettiiBree. She knows how to work a camera, and she knows how to handle tough situations. She knows how to record videos as well, which is a great asset to have! I am very excited to work with her. I will be able to get lots of things done. For instance, I have lots of models who still haven't had photo shoots. So, when I am gone; Bree can take pictures of the models. When I come back, I will edit them! It will work out great (: Here is a link to her profile so my models can add her and message her to meet up for an audition (side note: Be respectful, she cares more about personality than anything else):

Here is her profile pic (I didn't edit it, this is straight from her album). (:

                                                        Yours Truly,

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