Thursday, January 9, 2014

The OFFICIAL Model/Worker Totem pole! UPDATED!!!!

Hello fellow avi's. Today I will be briefly describing each models personality and where they stand on the totem pole. The best to the worst. Disclaimer: none of my models are bad. I appreciate all their hard work. However, some of them are slacking and others are doing great. I just want to let the models know where they stand. Here is the catch, if a model stays on the bottom for more than a week- I will be forced to fire her/him. I want the best possible team on my side and I would like to avoid any drama. Remember, no matter how many clothes your avitar has, or how pretty your avitar is; if you cause too much drama, working together would practically be impossible. I am the type of girl who wants to get things done. Some of my models may know this very well due to my episode earlier today. Haha. Also, I do not want to upset anyone with this post; I just have so many models and it is hard to stay organized. Love you all. Here is the list:

#1.  SophieSmith12345- She is a very sweet girl, and she always is willing to help. She has a decent amount of clothes, and they are all cute! My favorite thing about her is that she is CONSISTANT!

#2. carlieduncan- she is very sweet, She is respectful to people, no matter who they are. She listens to directions. She has a good clothes proven through the runway competition. I did a photoshoot of her today, she did an amazing job. Thank you!

#3. Madisonnicole15- She has 37 outfits, she goes on Imvu everyday, and she is very nice. She has a calm, respectful, and sweet personality. I did her photoshoot today, and I thought she did ok. Her computer was slow, we couldn't find the right chat, and so on.

#4. XxSexyBadBiatchxX- She is very nice and she listens to instructions PERFECTLY! She came into day and I did her photoshoot. My only problem is she doesn't come in enough. However, she is still amazing!

#5.avpicmisspink3bear-  She can be very nice. She has consistantly comes to the agency, which is great! She will be in the runway show on Saturday, I think she will do great! However, she didn't come to the agency for rehearsals, and I was really hoping she would.

 #6. avpic beautyslie- She is really nice. She has a calm personality. She seems willing to take on lots of responsibility. She is doing a great job so far! The only part that sucks is I am not on at the same times as her on the weekdays so I don't get to see her and put her to work, haha.

#7. avpic PrettiiBree- She knows how to handle most difficult/dramatic situations. She knows how to take pictures. She knows how to record videos on IMVU, which is a great thing! The only thing is, it can be pretty annoying when she leaves the chat without saying goodbye.

#8. (no picture currently available, very sorry) ricky2131- He has 4-6 outfits. He is very cute, nice, and funny. He is a little bit of a perv, but it doesn't bother me too much, haha. It will be interesting to see how he does in a photoshoot.

#9.  Tacoish- She is very sweet. She is very helpful. She lots of clothes, and they are adorable! However, she didn't show for rehearsals, and I was hoping she would. Also, she is not a very active member in the agency. Sometimes I don't think she really cares about the job anymore.

 #10. avpic hannahcoolgirl7- She has tons of clothes! She is extremely nice and easy to work with. Believe it or not, she was the first model that I have ever taken photos of and edited. Your #10 not because your bad, but because there are so many people and most of them are all great models, so I have nothing to complain about. Anyways, welcome back hannah! Note: All the pics I edited of hers are on the first post I ever did on this blog. Feel free to check it out!

#11.  bluebellhon1- She is very nice, and always willing to help. She has 38 outfits, which is great! However, yesterday she came into work; she was constantly in the way. Also, she hasn't gone into work; and I would really like to get her photoshoot done.

 #12.  kazzem1999- He has a decent amount of outfits. However, he has a very short attention span, and rarely comes to work.

 #13.  LilNishaLuv16- She is very sassy, and she is a little too bossy. However when she is winning, she can be nice. She didn't come into work today, or yesterday. She comes on as different people and acts like it isn't her. She cusses at people when they do something that doesn't benefit her. I really hope she proves her self soon. She is on the chopping block. I think she has potential, and she is very pretty; but please, if you are going to work for me.. give some effort.

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