Saturday, January 18, 2014

Photoshoot! (Tacoish)

Hey Avi's. Welcome back to the blog! Today I logged on Imvu at around 9am. I invited hannahcoolgirl7, and Tacoish to the agency. I gave the link to the blog to hannahcoolgirl7 and dicussed runway details with Tacoish. Afterwards, Tacoish asked for a photoshoot. I said yes, and then 5 minutes later; my dad comes and told me I have 20 minutes on the computer and I can get back on in the afternoon. Also, Tacoish said Sophies Models Agency was giving her lagg. I then got an invite from PrettiiBree. I went to her house and she talked about her music video song choice, carlieduncan making it in the music video as a twerker (technincally theybehating123 made it in the video, carlieduncan's other avi), and she talked about shanae501 trying to pick a fight with her. At some point in the conversation, Tacoish showed up. I had limited time, and was about to change my mind about the photoshoot, and then I found 2 spots to take her pics, so I quickly got it done. Even though it was a little hastle, we got it done. Good job.

P Tacoish imvu!!.jpg


P.S If you want to look at it in a larger form, go to my ablum. Step 1. Go to my profile. Step 2. Click on the albums. Step 3. Click on Sophies Models Album. Step 4. Find the photo you would like to view. Thanks!

                                                                 Yours Truly,

Friday, January 17, 2014

Another Photoshoot! (Madisonnicole15)

Hey everyone. Today was supposed to be fashion show rehearsals but Madisonnicole15 was the only one who showed up. However, carlie duncan did stop by but she was on her phone because she wasn't allowed on during the time I was on. Anyways, Madison showed me her dress that she is wearing to the runway show, and she did her walk. Later on, she asked if I could give her a photoshoot. I was kind of tired, but I said yes. Her computer was slow, I couldn't find the best chat rooms to take photos, ect.. ect.. However, these are the shots I got of her:

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Photoshoot! (hannahcoolgirl7)

Hello Avis. Welcome back to my blog. Today, I logged on the computer once again at an earlier time than I was supposed to, hehe. Anyways, I went on Imvu and bought a bunch of clothes! I was really excited, so I invited hannahcoolgirl7 over to the agency to show her all of it. Thank you hannah, for your patients; haha. She then asked me if I could give her a photoshoot. I said yes. We went to another chatroom, but it was overcrowded. After we decided that we would just do the photoshoot at the Sophies Models Agency, my computer started to slow down. I eventually was able to get her pictures taken but it was a hastle. Again hannah, thank you for your patients. She changed her clothes when asked, she wasn't distracted, and she was perfect; like always. Here are her shots:

She did amazing!!!

                                                                       Yours Truly,


Hello! I Just need to remind you that the fashion show is on Saturday 6pm Pacific time. We need to rehearse it/do a walk through. I need my 4 models that are walking all at the agency at the same time: Tacoish, misspink3bear, carlieduncan, and Madisonnicole15. I am aware this is short notice, so; I want you at the agency at 8pm pacific time tonight, or 7pm tomorrow. Meaning, if one of you can't make it tonight, we will resume tomorrow due to the short notice. However, you have to make sure to come to the agency atleast once before the fashion show to make sure your prepared (: comment down below, or message me telling me you read the post. Thanks. P.S I am also going to message you as well. 

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Another Photoshoot For XxSexyBadBiatchxX!

Today, I got on Imvu in the morning; even though I am not supposed to get on til 7pm, haha. Anyways, I invited XxSexyBadBiatchxX (mimi) into work today. I wanted to show her the photoshoot shots from yesterday. I gave her the blog. She loved them! Afterwards, she excitedly showed me her new clothes! I really thought they were cute, and she really wanted another photoshoot to incorporate these beautiful pieces. I did 2 shots of her. For the first shot, I used *hiresnobg for the first time! (thanks for telling me about it Tacoish) Here is the outcome:


*hiressnap on this one.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Madisonnicole15 Photoshoot!

Today around 7:15 pm (pacific time), I saw madisonnicole15 online (my recently hired model). I knew that I had to do a photoshoot of her, and if I did it; that would mean I would have done 2 photoshoots in 1 day! So, I went to the chatroom, invited her there, and she agreed to do the photoshoot. We did the first one at Sophies Models Agency and after that I wanted to go to a different place. It took me awhile to find the right place, but she was very patient. I chose MoodZ Modeling Agency. My experience with Madison was great. She listened to instructions, and changed her clothes when I asked. I am very glad I hired her. These are her photos:

XxSexyBadBiatchxX Photoshoot!

Ok, so today around 4:30-5:00 PM I got on Imvu quickly, even though I am not supposed to go on til 7 PM. However, I found an opening and went for it, haha. I saw that xXSexyBadBiatchxX was on, and I haven't seen her on in awhile. I thought I could swoop in and do a quick photoshoot. She did an amazing job, did exactly what I told her, and was not distracted by anyone or anything. Very pleased. Here are her photos:

We ventured out to Victoria Secrets Modeling:

Monday, January 13, 2014

Photo Shoot Priorities!

#1. bluebellhon1

#2. ricky2131

#3. LilNishLuv16

#4. hannahcoolgirl7

#5. misspink3bear

#6. kazzem1999

#7. Tacoish

#8. SophieSmith12345

#9. carlieduncan

#10. XxSexyBadBiatchxX

#11. Madisonnicole15

Limited Time On Imvu

Hello everyone! I just would like everyone to know, my parents have made a horrible new rule for me. I am only allowed on Imvu at 7pm-whenever on the weekdays; meaning, I cannot go on any earlier. However, on the weekends; I have an unlimited amount of time. Thanks for reading, and have a great day!

Sunday, January 12, 2014

I Hired 2 NEW People And A New Model Came Back!

Today, I managed to hire 1 female model, and 1 male model. Welcome ricky2131 and Madisonnicole15. Suprisingly, they both marked there profile as private. Therefore, I have no pictures of them however I will give you one as soon as I can in a photoshoot!

Also, hannahcoolgirl7 came to the agency today, and if you didn't read or don't remember; hannahcoolgirl7 was the first model I have ever taken photos of and edited. So, I hired her onto the agency; not only because I knew her in the past, but because she is an AMAZING model, and a very nice girl.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

I fired Buck

Today, I decided I need the best models I could get. buckhotstuff was a very nice boy; but he had a hard time following directions, and he hardly ever came to work. I am sorry I had to fire you, but thats just the way it happened. ):

Sophie Was At shanae501's Fashion Show

Today, SophieSmith12345 came by today! She asked for permission from me to let her walk in shanae501's runway show. Of course I said yes because there is no reason I should say no. Sophie is a good worker, I don't have any worries. Sophie asked me to come to the fashion show. I said yes. However, if you have read my blogs, then you must know that I have fired shanae501. When shanae saw me she was not happy, and her real sister was there too (famoustink01rose); as well as Sophie and one other girl. They cussed at me, kicked me, slapped me, stomped on me, told me to die, and a few other things. I originally wanted to stay for Sophie, but I got a little hurt; so I left. However before I left, I took a few shots of Sophie and the other girl walking down the runway of Taliana's Modeling Agency- the agency that shanae501 helps manage.

this is the other girl KaeNastyy- she didn't say too much but I snapped a picture to just give you a feel of the place lol. Here it is:

Photoshoot!! (carlieduncan)

Hello Avi's! Today, I finally was able to do a photoshoot with the amazing carlieduncan. She listened to directions perfectly! She is a great model. I was very impressed. It took me awhile to figure out where I wanted her, so she was very patient as well. Here are her photos:

We even ventured out into a fantasie land:


New Addition To The Team And A Goodbye To One of Our Members

Hello Everyone! Shenae501 disrespects me everyday, and today; it got way out of hand. I had to let her go. She ruined her chances with me, and with a music video audition. It is a shame that it had to happen this way but it did. However, the girl who is making the music video got hired by me. She is my new photgrapher/assistant! Her name is PrettiiBree. She knows how to work a camera, and she knows how to handle tough situations. She knows how to record videos as well, which is a great asset to have! I am very excited to work with her. I will be able to get lots of things done. For instance, I have lots of models who still haven't had photo shoots. So, when I am gone; Bree can take pictures of the models. When I come back, I will edit them! It will work out great (: Here is a link to her profile so my models can add her and message her to meet up for an audition (side note: Be respectful, she cares more about personality than anything else):

Here is her profile pic (I didn't edit it, this is straight from her album). (:

                                                        Yours Truly,

Friday, January 10, 2014

Sophies Photo Shoot!

Today I managed to get in a photoshoot of SophieSmith12345! She did an amazing job. No hastle, no drama, and no short attention span!! Haha.

She looks amazing. In addition, I did a photo with her and Shanae. Here it is:

Fashion Show! UPDATED!!!! 1/15/14



Hello avi's! Welcome back to the blog. Today, I met up with a wonderful avitar named, beautyslie.

She really wanted a job. I met with her in her room. I asked her various questions. Her mild behavior and responses were perfect for what I needed for. This girl is different from all the others, because she is not a model. I have 10 models and it gets very overwhelming. They are all wanting something from me, and their personalities clash. I needed someone to calm the storm. beautyslie was perfect for it! She is my co-manager, my right had man.. or woman.. haha. She will help me judge, coordinate, organize, advertise (the blog), and much more. She is really nice, and I think her help will really make everything easier.

I wonder how the whole modeling team will react to somewhat of a second boss. Shanae501 and her clash big time. I am hoping they will make up and lose the drama.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Is He Who I Think He Is?

You ask yourself, how many times am I going to write a blog post in one day. I say, give me a break; it is my first day; I got to get things out! Haha. I promise though, this will be the last post. I spotted Shanae501 in her profile pic with a faceless guy on a bed with her. Today, I did a photoshoot of Shanae501 and ayo1999. Shanae seemed to show interest in ayo1999 who also doubles as kazzem1999. While I was away from the chatroom, there is a possible chance that the two of my models hit it off. Here is the pic:

This is kazzem in todays couples photo (and no, misspink3bear and him are not dating; don't worry)

As you can see, kazzem is wearing the same shorts as the mystery guy in shanae501's mystery guy. As well as the same hat, shoes and possibly the same shirt. Now, remember guys; they were both online at the same time at the same agency. Either the mystery guy is not the same guy as kazzem1999 but just happens to be wearing the exact same clothes on the exact same day, they could just be friends laying on a bed together, or both my models could be dating each other (even though shanae forgot to change her relationship status). Now, if they are dating each other; this could be great or this can just cause much drama. You tell me what you think. Thanks again. Have a wonderful day.

                                                          Yours Truly,

Is Drama on its Way to the Agency?

Once again, I say hello to my fellow avi's in the same day on the same blog. Todays post gets a bit more personal. I was busy making the totem pole blog along with posting everyone's profile pics next to there name. I spotted a few interesting pictures.

SophieSmith12345 is in the first one, and LilNishaLuv16 in the second one. SophieSmith12345 has this on her profile: Relationship Status: In a Relationship. LilNishaLuv16 has this on her profile: Relationship Status: Married. Even worse, LilNishaLuv16 might be pregnant. Now, here's the question.. is this guy the same guy in both photos? If so, is he cheating on his wife with SophieSmith12345 or is Sophie just a friend to him? If the answer is for the worse, will the two be able to get along, or will this cause drama in the agency? If you know anything, please don't hesitate to tell me!

Yours truly,

11:19 pm Update:

I spoke to SophieSmith12345, and it is good news. The guy that she is with in the pictures is her best friend. A guy is allowed to have a girl as a best friend and be married at the same time. So I was wrong, and I apoligize for my mistake.

The OFFICIAL Model/Worker Totem pole! UPDATED!!!!

Hello fellow avi's. Today I will be briefly describing each models personality and where they stand on the totem pole. The best to the worst. Disclaimer: none of my models are bad. I appreciate all their hard work. However, some of them are slacking and others are doing great. I just want to let the models know where they stand. Here is the catch, if a model stays on the bottom for more than a week- I will be forced to fire her/him. I want the best possible team on my side and I would like to avoid any drama. Remember, no matter how many clothes your avitar has, or how pretty your avitar is; if you cause too much drama, working together would practically be impossible. I am the type of girl who wants to get things done. Some of my models may know this very well due to my episode earlier today. Haha. Also, I do not want to upset anyone with this post; I just have so many models and it is hard to stay organized. Love you all. Here is the list:

#1.  SophieSmith12345- She is a very sweet girl, and she always is willing to help. She has a decent amount of clothes, and they are all cute! My favorite thing about her is that she is CONSISTANT!

#2. carlieduncan- she is very sweet, She is respectful to people, no matter who they are. She listens to directions. She has a good clothes proven through the runway competition. I did a photoshoot of her today, she did an amazing job. Thank you!

#3. Madisonnicole15- She has 37 outfits, she goes on Imvu everyday, and she is very nice. She has a calm, respectful, and sweet personality. I did her photoshoot today, and I thought she did ok. Her computer was slow, we couldn't find the right chat, and so on.

#4. XxSexyBadBiatchxX- She is very nice and she listens to instructions PERFECTLY! She came into day and I did her photoshoot. My only problem is she doesn't come in enough. However, she is still amazing!

#5.avpicmisspink3bear-  She can be very nice. She has consistantly comes to the agency, which is great! She will be in the runway show on Saturday, I think she will do great! However, she didn't come to the agency for rehearsals, and I was really hoping she would.

 #6. avpic beautyslie- She is really nice. She has a calm personality. She seems willing to take on lots of responsibility. She is doing a great job so far! The only part that sucks is I am not on at the same times as her on the weekdays so I don't get to see her and put her to work, haha.

#7. avpic PrettiiBree- She knows how to handle most difficult/dramatic situations. She knows how to take pictures. She knows how to record videos on IMVU, which is a great thing! The only thing is, it can be pretty annoying when she leaves the chat without saying goodbye.

#8. (no picture currently available, very sorry) ricky2131- He has 4-6 outfits. He is very cute, nice, and funny. He is a little bit of a perv, but it doesn't bother me too much, haha. It will be interesting to see how he does in a photoshoot.

#9.  Tacoish- She is very sweet. She is very helpful. She lots of clothes, and they are adorable! However, she didn't show for rehearsals, and I was hoping she would. Also, she is not a very active member in the agency. Sometimes I don't think she really cares about the job anymore.

 #10. avpic hannahcoolgirl7- She has tons of clothes! She is extremely nice and easy to work with. Believe it or not, she was the first model that I have ever taken photos of and edited. Your #10 not because your bad, but because there are so many people and most of them are all great models, so I have nothing to complain about. Anyways, welcome back hannah! Note: All the pics I edited of hers are on the first post I ever did on this blog. Feel free to check it out!

#11.  bluebellhon1- She is very nice, and always willing to help. She has 38 outfits, which is great! However, yesterday she came into work; she was constantly in the way. Also, she hasn't gone into work; and I would really like to get her photoshoot done.

 #12.  kazzem1999- He has a decent amount of outfits. However, he has a very short attention span, and rarely comes to work.

 #13.  LilNishaLuv16- She is very sassy, and she is a little too bossy. However when she is winning, she can be nice. She didn't come into work today, or yesterday. She comes on as different people and acts like it isn't her. She cusses at people when they do something that doesn't benefit her. I really hope she proves her self soon. She is on the chopping block. I think she has potential, and she is very pretty; but please, if you are going to work for me.. give some effort.

Couples Day- BOYS!

Hello wonderful Imvu avitars. Today was a very long day. I didn't have school today, so I spent my time taking pictures, editing, dowloading camstudio recorder while trying to learn how to use it, hiring three new people, and much much more. Anyways, I remembered yesterday that a boy named buckhotstuff had said that he wanted to be a model. Luckily I added him to be my friend before I left the chatroom (Imvu Model Agency taste). Today, I saw that he was online. I quickly invited him to Sophies Model Agency. He told me he had lots of outfits. That's crazy, and awesome at the same time. Haha. Anyways, I hired him. Tacoish, my model, came right when buckhotstuff was there. That was a great opportunity to snap a quick shot of the two people. Now, remember; this is modeling. They acting in love but they are NOT dating. Here is the wonderful photo:

Later on, lovely shanae501 stopped by. It was perfect timing because ayo1999 was there. He only had 4 outfits; but that was good enough for me! I was able to snap this picture relatively easy. Disclaimer: these to lovely avitars are not dating, and this was strictly professional business; Here is the photo:

In the evening, I ran into misspink3bear. She is quite the persuasive one; I was done hiring but she caught my attention. Her boyfriend knows how to record videos on IMVU, and she has 1200 outfits! I was very impressed. Ayo1999 was there as well, and I asked if he had different hair, but he said he didn't. He said he had another avitar and could come back as that one. I told him yes, because I want him to do one more shot with persuasive misspink3bear. He agreed and came back as kazzem1999. By the time he came back, and misspink3bear was all done changing; the place was crowded. There was a girl pretending to shoot me, and cut me. She wouldn't leave and she purposely got in the way of me taking photos. Random people were coming asking to be hired. Some of my workers were being annoying as well. Nothing against them, because they are great. However, I am not going to lie; I was getting kind of annoyed. I lost it for a second there; even on misspink3bear. However I patched things up and decided to go to an empty chatroom to take photos of them there. The photo was a little harder to take because I wasn't familiar with all the poses and positions. However, I was able to do it. Another disclaimer: these two are not dating either. misspink3bear has a boyfriend she cares for very much. Again, this is strictly business. Here is the photo: 

Today was long a long day, but I got quite a few things done in the agency; very proud of all the models and their hard work, keep it up (: 

Managing Sophies Models Agency-modeling competition

Hello everyone. Yesterday, I logged onto Imvu. Tacoish wasn't online. I decided that one model was not enough. I was going to have a modeling competition. One person after the other showed up. Too many people to name. However, the first two girls to show up in the chatroom was a girl name charllil (forgot her full avi name), and theybehating123. Charlill was up first, the theme was swimwear. She did it and was great. theybehating123 did not have swimwear and she asked me if she would wait for five minutes so that she can switch her characters because the other one had better inventory. I said yes, and she came back as carlieduncan. Prior to her coming, Charlil had promised me access to her beachhouse and other things, but told her it would be unfair to hire her before she competed with carlieduncan. Anyways, the two of them competed and carlieduncan had the best clothes, and so I chose her. SophieSmith12345, shanae501, and the other girl (apoligize for forgetting your name) competed. Shanae having the biggest personality with adverse clothes, Sophie having the sweetest personality and the girliest clothes, and the other girl only having about 2 outfits. I tallied up the scores, and Shanae, and Sophie tied! I had them show me their best outfits and Shanae won. Other people where showing up, and I needed to go to eat, wash up, exercise and go to bed. So, I made the process easier. I told all the people in the current room to wait in the receptions office with me. I asked them their time and compared it to mine. I asked them how many outfits they had. blubellhon1 had 38 outfits!! I obviously hired her. The other girl, whom I forgot the name of, had only 2 outfits. I had to apologize for wasting her time, and tell her that she didn't make it. The other girl XxSexyBadBiatchxX had probably 3-5 outfits, and so I hired her as well. I was overwhelmed with everyone coming into the chatroom, so everyone who came in that wasn't already here, I asked to leave. SophieSmith12345 was still hanging around so I hired her as well. There is no harm in hiring lots of models, they won't always be online. Another girl named LilNishaLuv16 was there as well, and told me that she was previously hired before. So, I let her stay as well. Anyways, as soon as I hired the girls Shanae was upset because she found out she wasn't going to be in commercials, magazines, and music videos. I have never recorded a video on Imvu before. I have never edited video before, or posted it on YouTube either. I told her I would see what I could do by going to chatrooms and getting connections. She calmed down a little but still was upset. I told her I couldn't doing anything right now because I needed to get ready. Late at night, after I was ready for bed. I logged on and searched for chatrooms of people that might help. I found nothing for awhile, and then finally I found some recording studio chatrooms. They had no people in them, but what I did was I added and messaged the owners of the chatroom and asked if they could make commercials/music videos. I asked about 4 people. I also found 2 music video audition rooms, and I messaged those people as well. I even messaged a girl named Quill who designs lots of adorable clothes (Sophie gave me her name). The reason I messaged Quill was because I had hopes that she might want advertisement for her clothes (Sophie owned a dress that Quill designed). That way, I would get payed, my girls would get payed; and everyone would be happy. However, I have not gotten any messages back so far but it hasn't been that long since I sent it (which was yesterday). In desperation to make my models happy, I talked to a manager of Moodz modeling agency, named Beautifulsky14. She gave me all the help she could, and told me how she handled the agency. She left and I went to Taste IMVU Model Agency and found little to no help. I decided I was going to download camstudio. I did, and I practiced with it a little. I made it so all the names where on the bottom screen by changing the settings. I made sure that the word bubbles dissappeared (ctrl + B), I adjusted the amount of screen I wanted the camera to get, and then I recorded. If I were to make a commercial, I would need a client to pay me so that I could buy the music and be rewarded for my time. So, right now; that is my problem. I have no music and no client. All I have are sent messages to people who could help, a sent message to a possible client, a recorder, and very little experience using it but could manage. If anyone has connections (video recorders, commercial auditions, music auditions ect..) please don't hesitate to let me know. My avi name is Hannahsparks123. Thanks for reading

Unedited pics from yesterdays runway just 2 of them (they are random):

How I became an Editor

Hello everyone. Welcome to my Imvu model blog. Today I plan to show you the first picture I ever edited on IMVU. Here it is:

Now, I think it was my third day on IMVU but I wanted to do something more, therefore I was determined to figure out how to work everything. I did ok on the picture, but not great. The reason I took this picture was to prove I was worthy to be an editor. I would constatly going to IMVU Model Agency (Taste), but never any luck. I ran into Viviana1404 in the Agency. She said she has an agency and wanted to hire me. I was thrilled! She had a model already who doubled as her daughter. Her name was hannahcoolgirl7. Great girl, and an amazing model. She had many outfits, and hairstyles! She was the first model I had ever taken pics of. Here are the pictures:

Now, depending on who you ask; I may have over done the sparkles. Reason being, I wanted to get the POW effect, and I also wanted it to look like it was a magazine cover, or in a magazine. However, I still think I did good. Later that day, I ran into another girl named NickiiLuvv. She was very sweet and asked me if I could edit her profile picture. I customized it for her personality, and requests. I even thouroughly explained how to upload it to her album. Afterwards, I even made a smaller version; just so that she can upload it to her profile.

Anyways, everyday I would go to the agency. Viviana1404 was rarely there, but when she was; she barely said two words. Later on I found out she wasn't the real owner and that the owner never went on. Then, I ran into Peyton (forgot her whole name). She told me, I should run this place. I was hesitant but then realized that the owner hasn't been on in a very long time and I could make it work. I love being at the agency, and I love editing. Why not? Peyton was my new co manager, and I was the manager/photographer/editor. We held a model competition, and two people won! However right after the competition, the one girl bailed, as did Peyton. I was left with a very nice girl, named; Tacoish. She was a very great model. Here are the pictures I took of her:


Now, I think I did pretty good. However, you are probably asking yourself. Why am I taking pictures in the same place. Well for no freaking good reason, other than my lack of experience. What I would do when take the pics was I would stand behind the puple sheet screen and I thought that was the only place I would be able to pics because of the positioning of the camera. Was I wrong or what? lol. All I simply had to do was move the little arrows up, down, right, and left, and then be able to take a picture of them. So, from now on.. my pictures will be in many different areas and not just in one boring place. P.S Tacoish and hannahcoolgirl7 did an amazing job modeling, thank you very much!

Hope you enjoyed my first post on this blog! Talk to you soon, very soon!

The people in this blog are: Vivian14014, hannahcoolgirl7, Peyton, NickiiLuvv, Tacoish, and of course myself (Hannahsparks123).